KDT Management Services
Independent Site Evaluation
KDT can provide a site evaluation detailing the exact profile of your site or portfolio that gives you a clear picture of the potential income streams and the work (nature and cost) needed to realise those income streams.
You are then fully able to make an informed choice as to what advertising services you wish to undertake in-house or have managed externally.
Planning --> Deemed or Express consent. The most effective strategies and implications for costs and income
Income --> Short, medium & long term prognoses on retail values. Amounts and probabilities Site (Portfolio)
Profit profile --> Advertising service requirements
Knowing that all suppliers have vested interests in their own solution and utilising their own network KDT guarantees a neutral and independent evaluation to ensure that you have the optimum return.
Project Management
If, after considering the independent site evaluation, you require a full or partial project management service, KDT is able to offer you this, secure in the knowledge that the key skills in all areas are held in- house. The three pillars upon which any site value rests are Planning, Operations and Sales.
Without planning you risk enforcement. Operations determine the cost profile and sales revenue streams. Timing, ambiguity and the balance of risk bearing covered by the commercial contracts are crucial to ensure a smooth delivery and fair return. False economies, needless over-delivery or ignoring predictable elements in the early phases will cause issues that affect the worth of your site.
KDT's 20 years experience of successful delivery as a contractor and as a supplier means that we are qualified and able to help on single specific areas, such as securing planning consent or tendering a site right through to managing the whole process from evaluation through site delivery and ongoing commercial relations with the sales houses. We are unaware of any other independent consultant able to offer this level of expertise, comprehensiveness of coverage and independence of action.
KDT understands that advertising income is welcome in conjunction with smooth and predictable delivery. We ensure you know about all the elements involved so you can make the decisions on whether and how to proceed and do so independently so we can act in your best interest and not of any of the myriad suppliers involved.
KDT can evaluate your existing advertising site. Many sites have altered in value over the last few years. Some locations have been subject to massive rental reduction exercises that have not always been totally justified in its severity. KDT can test the market fully for you allowing your site to be tendered to all parties for an independent value.
Operations and Site Delivery
Once planning has been achieved the site will have to be prepared for delivery for product / format.
If required –
KDT provides full site management and has a vast knowledge of site delivery and procedures in all aspects of site conditions. Our services include liaising with all matters in conjunction with Health & Safety, Method & Risk Assessments, Installation Technicians, Contractors, Installers and Project Management Teams.
Please see site history for clarification of sites delivered.
Advertising units / displays are made to various sizes, which in turn accommodate standard advertisement campaigns.
The industry size of product structure is shown above, but these continue to be subject to change and addition as new display sizes are brought into the market place.
Banner type advertisements are generally of a non-standard size and are marketed on this basis. They are most commonly seen situated on a scaffold and can be erected within the site's protective sheeting or alternatively within a complete building wrap, which, once again, can be of a plain view or a replication of the building behind.
You may want your site to be wrapped or to display your own messages and not generate advertising income. If this is so then KDT, similarly to generating income, offers you a partial or full project management solution.
After receiving your full brief as to what you want to achieve, KDT will produce a report giving you the options available to you and can arrange for all aspects of timely technical delivery.
A full pricing structure can be obtained upon request after a full site evaluation has taken place.
Revenue Generation
The myths surrounding outdoor advertising sales have always amazed us: the values of sales, their predictability, both in terms of these values and timing.
Succinctly put; short term base sales values are fairly predictable on most traditional site formats. This changes as the nature of the site moves towards very large formats and also when predicting into the longer term. Length of tenure and site type is crucial in determining the optimum sales agreement.
Having been on the buying and selling side of these contracts KDT offers unparalleled expertise and expert knowledge on how you can optimise your returns. KDT can set up and manage a tender exercise, negotiating heads of terms and ensuring that the contracts fully reflect what you wish to achieve.