Frequently Asked Questions
Do I own sites with good visibility?
These locations can be on buildings or land which is situated within town/city centres. This also relates to being close to or adjacent to main arterial roads and motorways.
Have I considered generating revenue by using my property?
Locations with good visibility have the potential to generate substantial revenues and KDT ensure that the income is maximised by a focussed marketing approach to the advertising companies.
KDT Management utilise their experience to prepare a marketing brief for the advertising companies and closely monitor the tendering process. The Company also handles all planning and legal issues.
Do I have existing advertising sites?
KDT are happy to review existing sites and contracts to ensure that both the scope of the advertising is being best exploited and revenues are being maximised.
How long does the licence have to be?
Licences for outdoor media advertising can be on a long- or short-term basis dependant on the objectives of the client. They range from banner advertising from 3 months to billboards and light boxes for up to 20 years. In reality, the advertising will be tailored to meet the owner’s strategy.
How much income will be achieved?
An initial site evaluation can be assessed by KDT once some of the questions listed have been answered, followed by a full appraisal after we are instructed to act on your behalf.
Do I need planning consent?
Yes you do and we will advise on this once the site details and location are known to us.
What benefits are there in using KDT?
Up-to-date independent sound advice on how best to maximise your property portfolio by using outdoor advertising as another means of sustaining an income stream, whereby also increasing the property portfolio value.